What is TransRAMPART?

TransRAMPART is a translational research study being run within the RAMPART clinical trial. Translational research is carried out in the laboratory on biological samples that are provided by patients. 

We know that people even with the same type of cancer respond differently to treatment and experience different levels of side effects. It is important to try to understand how a person’s genetic make up influences how they will respond.

In the TransRAMPART study we aim to gain a better understanding of kidney cancer and how people respond to the type of treatment (immune checkpoint inhibitors) that is being used in RAMPART. We aim to identify different characteristics that will allow us to identify patients most likely to benefit from the medications given in RAMPART in the future. 

Who can take part?

The TransRAMPART sub-study is aimed at patients who are also participating in the RAMPART study and who would like to provide additional samples to help us better understand kidney cancer and its treatment.

TransRAMPART is no longer recruiting new patients.

What samples are being collected in TransRAMPART?

All patients that are participating in the RAMPART study will already be providing a blood sample, as well as a sample of their cancer that was removed during surgery. In TransRAMPART we will be collecting additional samples during treatment and throughout follow-up. 

Tissue Samples

If the doctors think there is a possibility that a patient's cancer has returned, they may decide to perform a biopsy. We are asking for permission to collect tissue sample from this biopsy for use in our research.

Blood Samples

We aim to collect up to an additional 24 blood samples for translational research. These samples will be collected at visits patient are attending as part of your RAMPART follow-up, so no additional visits will be required. Each small blood sample (up to 15ml) is collected while other blood samples are being taken so it will not be necessary for the skin to be pierced again for these samples.

Urine Samples

In TransRAMPART we are asking patients to provide 6 urine samples at visits they will be attending as part of their RAMPART follow-up, so no additional visits will be required.