Summary Information Type

Summary Details

Acronym/Short Title of Trial

RAMPART - Renal Adjuvant MultiPle Arm Randomised Trial

Long Title of Trial

An international investigator-led phase III multi-arm multi-stage randomised-controlled platform trial of adjuvant therapy in patients with resected primary renal cell carcinoma (RCC) at high or intermediate risk of relapse.











EudraCT #






Study Design

RAMPART is a phase III multi-arm, multi-stage (MAMS), multi‑centre, randomised controlled platform trial.

Type of Participants to be Studied

Patients who have had their RCC resected are eligible for randomisation into RAMPART.

At the start of recruitment patients with Leibovich score 3-11 will be eligible for randomisation.  We will monitor accrual and stop recruiting intermediate risk patients (Leibovich Score 3-5) after three years or when intermediate risk patients contribute 25% of the total accrual target, whichever is earlier.  Recruitment of patients with Leibovich Score 6-11 will continue until the accrual target is reached.


RCC adjuvant therapy

Interventions to be Compared

Patients will be randomly assigned to one of the following trial arms:

– Arm A - active monitoring for 1 year

– Arm B - durvalumab (1500mg) 4 weekly for 1 year (13 cycles)

– Arm C - durvalumab (administered as per arm B, i.e., 13 cycles) and tremelimumab (75mg) on day 1 and week 4 visits (i.e., 2 cycles). 

Study Aims

RAMPART has been designed to answer the following questions:

Does treatment with either durvalumab alone or a combination of durvalumab and tremelimumab increase disease‑free survival (DFS) compared with active monitoring (Arm B vs Arm A and Arms C vs Arm A respectively)

Does treatment with either durvalumab alone or a combination of durvalumab and tremelimumab increase overall survival (OS) compared with active monitoring in patients classified as Leibovich high-risk (Arm B vs Arm A and Arms C vs Arm A respectively)

Study Hypothesis

Durvalumab is able to prevent tumour relapse by the inhibition of the programmed cell death 1/programmed death ligand 1 pathway, which plays a critical role in tumour immune evasion.

Combination treatment with anti-CTLA4 agent tremelimumab increases immune response and anti-tumour activity.

Co-Primary Outcome Measure(s)

DFS and OS

DFS is defined as the interval from randomisation to first evidence of local recurrence, new primary RCC, distant metastases, or death from any cause, whichever occurs first. 

OS is defined as all-cause mortality, the time from randomisation to death from any cause (including RCC). 

Secondary Outcome Measure(s)

Metastasis-free survival (MFS), i.e., the interval from randomisation to first evidence of metastases or death from RCC

RCC specific survival time, i.e., the time from randomisation to death from RCC

Quality of life


Patient preferences for adjuvant immunotherapy 


Patients will be randomised centrally using the method of minimisation over a small number of clinically important stratification factors with an additional random element.

Number of Participants to be Studied

Approximately 1750 patients will be recruited to the current three arm design.  As RAMPART is an adaptive, platform trial we plan to add at least one additional arm over time.

Recruitment across the current three study arms will be:

– Arm A - 750 patients

– Arm B - 500 patients

– Arm C - 500 patients


The duration of treatment in each of research arms B and C is one year. 

We anticipate reporting on the co-primary outcomes as follows (all times are from the start of recruitment and assume that RAMPART will become a 4-arm trial before the initial 3 arms are reported):

– DFS in the durvalumab/tremelimumab combination arm after approx. 6.25 years

– DFS in the single-agent durvalumab arm after approx. 10.5 years

– OS in high-risk patients (Leibovich Score 6-11) in the durvalumab/tremelimumab combination arm after approx. 13.25 years

– OS in high-risk patients (Leibovich Score 6-11) in the single-agent durvalumab arm after approx. 20.25 years

Ancillary Studies/Sub studies

Translational Sub-study
Baseline samples:
FFPE tissue samples (provision of at least one tumour block is mandatory)
Blood sample (provision of one EDTA baseline sample, collected prior to the first infusion is mandatory)
Note: Details on all TransRAMPART sub-studies and sample collection(s) will be included in the TransRAMPART protocol.

Patient Reported Outcomes
Preferences for adjuvant immunotherapy in RAMPART (PAIR)

Quality of Life


The RAMPART trial is an investigator-led academic trial sponsored by UCL and co-ordinated by the MRC CTU at UCL.


Kidney Cancer UK (clinical trial grant award)

AstraZeneca LP (educational grant) 

Trial Managers

Mr Ben Smith

Dr Francesca Schiavone 

Chief Investigator

Dr James Larkin

MRC CTU at UCL Project Leader

Dr Angela Meade