Trial Committees


Trial Management Group (TMG)

The Trial Management Group (TMG) comprises the Chief Investigators, all trial chiefinvestigators, other co-investigators (clinical and non-clinical), members with specific interests (e.g. pharmacist, nurse, user representative) and members of the MRC CTU. The TMG is responsible for the day-to-day running and management of the trial. It holds regular teleconferences and face-to-face meetings.

TMG members include the Chief Investigator, other co-investigators and members of the MRC CTU. The TMG advises on the promotion, running  and safety concerns of the trial through regularly held meetings. 

Independent Trial Steering Committee (TSC)

The Trial Steering Committee (TSC) has membership from the senior members of the TMG and representatives of the funder plus independent members, including the Chair. The role of the TSC is to provide overall supervision for the trial and provide advice through its independent Chair. The ultimate decision for the continuation of the trial lies with the TSC.

The RAMPART Trial Steering Committee (TSC) is the executive committee for the trial. It is made up of members who are independent of RAMPART trial investigators and the MRC CTU, whilst also including CTU staff working on the trial. The role of the TSC is to provide overall supervision for the trial. The ultimate decision for the continuation of the trial lies with the TSC.

Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC)

An Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC) has been formed. The IDMC will be the only group who see the confidential, accumulating data for the trial. Reports to the IDMC are produced by the MRC CTU statisticians. The IDMC will consider data using the pre-agreed statistical analysis plan and will advise the TSC. The IDMC can recommend premature closure or reporting of the trials or discontinuation of recruitment to any research arm.

 The RAMPART Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC) is independent of RAMPART investigators and the MRC CTU. The IDMC will be the only group who sees the confidential, accmulating data for the trial separately by randomised group. 

Trial Management Group (TMG)

Member Role
James Larkin Chief Investigator
Prof Tom Powles Investigator
Dr Laurence Albiges Investigator
Dr Toni Choueiri Investigator
Prof Ian Davis Investigator
Prof David Harrison Investigator
Dr Paul Nathan Investigator 
Prof Brian Rini Investigator 
Mr Alastair Ritchie Investigator 
Dr Grant Stewart Investigator 
Prof Martin Stockler Investigator 
Dr Derfel Ap Dafydd Radiologist
Ms Anita McWhirter Pharmacist
Ms Sarah Scovell Research Nurse
Dr Pat Hanlon Consumer Representative
Ms Christy Watson Consumer Representative
Margot Gorzeman International Collaborator
Dr Angela Meade UCL Principal Investigator
Prof Rick Kaplan Clinical Oncologist
Mr Ben Smith Trial Manager
Miss Hanna Bryant Trial Manager
Dr Francesca Schiavone Trial Manager
Mr Nat Thorogood Data Manager 
Mr Kalam Hussain Data Manager 
Dr Louise Choo Statistician 
Ms Rahela Choudhury Clinical Project Manager 
Prof Max Parmar Senior Statistician


Site Evaluation Committee

Members of the TMG sit on this committee as required.