
All site staff working on the RAMPART trial are required to undertake trial-specific training. The RAMPART trial team provides training during site initiation in the first instance. Additional training sessions are organised periodically to provide training for new staff or as a refresher - please email the RAMPART trial team ( if you wish to attend one of these sessions. Alternatively you can review the slides in the table below in your own time. Please follow the links to access the individual training sessions.

After competing training, the RAMPART Training Log should be signed and retained in your Investigator or Pharmacy Site File as evidence.

Session Relevant Roles
Rationale and Trial Design

Investigators, Research Nurses, Trial Coordinators, Data Managers

Screening, Consent and Randomisation
Treatment Administration
Patient Follow-up
Safety Reporting
Disease Assessment
Image Repository

Research Nurses, Trial Coordinators, Data Managers

Data Collection and CRF Completion
TransRAMPART Sample Collection
Site Activation
Drug Supply Management System

Research Nurses, Trial Coordinators, Data Managers, Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacy Procedures

Pharmacists, Pharmacy Technicians